Energy for the World. Opportunity for Papua New Guinea.

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The PNG LNG Project has an overall goal to avoid resettlement where possible; but where unavoidable, to design and implement resettlement in a manner that improves, or at least restores, livelihoods and standards of living of physically and economically displaced persons.

Resettlement includes both physical and economic displacement.

Physical displacement involves the loss of shelter and assets resulting from acquisition of land associated with the Project that requires the affected persons to move to another location.

Economic displacement involves the loss of income streams or means of livelihood resulting from land acquisition or obstructed access to economic resources (land, water, forest) resulting from the construction or operation of the Project or its associated facilities.

The Project has a comprehensive process for resettlement, outlined below.

Introduction to affected communities

Initial awareness sessions are held with the impacted communities to provide information on resettlement, along with introductions to both the Lands and Community Affairs teams, conducting the work.

Video and photo documentation of Project land requirements

A preliminary household asset mapping survey is conducted that uses video and photographic equipment to document the assets, gardens and improvements, and forms the basis for full census and survey and identification of legitimately impacted landowners. A full disclosure of the assets and improvements identified will be provided, and the cut-off date will be communicated upon completion of the survey. This process is designed to protect the interests of principal landowners and the Project by establishing a visual baseline reference for claims by people who move into the affected area later on, solely in anticipation of benefits.

All affected households and social infrastructure is identified during the video and photographic survey. The team identifies landowners, their assets, clan boundaries, livelihood strategies and cultural heritage assets. The team further identifies potential impacts, creates awareness and notifies affected people.

Negotiations and agreements

Compensation package options are proposed to affected households for discussion. The household selects a package and signs a final compensation agreement.

Identify resettlement sites

Affected households identify the sites to where they wish to relocate.

Develop livelihood restoration strategy

The Project provides assistance with a livelihoods restoration package aimed to benefit the affected parties. Livelihood specialists consult with affected communities to determine the most appropriate support mechanisms to enhance livelihoods. Support and training is given to improve production, and development of replacement gardens is monitored. Support strategy includes land-based option (e.g. introduction of improved crop varieties) and non-land-based option (e.g. training in skills to reduce dependence on subsistence agriculture).

Resettlement Action Plan

The resettlement process is documented in a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for each Project component. These plans are made available on the Project website.

Compensation payments

Compensation payments are made prior to and after resettlement.

Resettlement assistance

Provision is provided to affected households of transit allowances agreed for physical resettlement. Materials are provided to assist with dismantling of the existing house. The Project will consider measures to compensate for the period during which households must re-establish gardens required for subsistence.

Land access

Land access is finalised once households have removed their belongings from their old homes and received compensation payments.

Environmental Law Centre

An independent Third Party Advocate firm has been engaged to provide independent legal advice to communities and community members impacted by Project activities.  Simpsons Lawyers acts as an independent advisor to affected households with respect to their rights, responsibilities and options concerning resettlement in the context of both PNG legislation and the Project plans and provisions. This assists households to better understand the resettlement process, particularly the valuation and compensation assistance packages.

Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation is critical in achieving the resettlement goal to restore livelihoods and improve standards of living of affected people.
The purpose of the monitoring and evaluation system is to provide Project management, and directly affected persons, households and communities with timely and concise information on whether compensation, resettlement and development investments are on track. Monitoring is an ongoing process and varies per household depending on their circumstances.