Environment programs
Papua New Guinea is a country of unique biodiversity. At PNG LNG, we take our commitment to protecting the environment very seriously.
Through partnerships and investment in environmental programs and initiatives, we are educating communities, building knowledge, discovering new information about Papua New Guinea’s biodiversity and fostering conservation efforts.
Our environment team works with communities, government and community organisations to implement environmental management plans and also to make improvements as we learn new information from our activities.
Piku the Pig-Nosed Turtle
In 2012, we lent a helping hand to Papua New Guinea’s threatened Pig-Nosed Turtle species – Piku. In partnership with the University of Canberra, we funded the Piku Conservation Project to raise awareness about the unique species. Since the conservation project began, we have funded a research scholarship for a Papua New Guinean master's student, conducted environmental education workshops with teachers and developed three Piku-themed educational books for school students.
Dolphins and dugongs in the Kikori Delta
We partnered with James Cook University (JCU) in 2013 to investigate the occurrence of dolphins and dugongs in the Kikori Delta of PNG. Following research and assessments, the Kikori Delta was identified as an international hot spot for Australian snubfin dolphins – also known as Pidu. As a result of the discovery, we funded a scholarship program for three students to study marine mammals and their conservation status in the Kikori Delta.
JCU and local PNG organisations are collaborating on the program which is also receiving funding from the Australian Department of Environment. The partnership is building the capacity of local PNG researchers and students to develop community-based management plans to protect marine mammals for the future.
Port Moresby Nature Park
We are a proud partner of the Port Moresby Nature Park to support biodiversity and educational programs in PNG. Since 2013, we have funded the development and maintenance of animal exhibits and contributed to the private animal research and breeding centre. A new generator was also provided to ensure consistent power supply and information technology to help with growing administrative demands. To help create a new generation of environmental ambassadors, we are supporting the parks school excursion program.
Love your Coast
As part of our partnership with the Papua New Guinea Olympic Committee, we are supporting the ‘Love your Coast’ program which uses sporting heroes as role models to advocate proper waste management practices such as reducing litter in public sports facilities and understanding the impact of plastic products on the marine environment. The program includes clean-up activities and interactive outdoor education sessions at schools conducted by Papua New Guinean athletes.
World Environment Day
Each year, our workforce comes together to celebrate World Environment Day. Staff volunteer their time and participate in activities held in the National Capital District, Hela and Central provinces. Activities involve rubbish clearing, tree planting and environmental awareness sessions. The support of our workforce is a great demonstration of our shared commitment to respect and protect the environment.