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Resettlement Action Plans 

In these circumstances our goal was to conduct appropriate consultation processes that achieve the free, prior and informed participation of affected people and communities in decision-making related to resettlement and to design and implement resettlement in a manner that gives physically and economically displaced persons the opportunity to at least restore their livelihoods and standards of living. 

The Resettlement Policy Framework outlines the company’s commitment to and steps that will be taken to ensure compliance with Papua New Guinea law, ExxonMobil’s company policies and international best practices, such as the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standards on Social and Environmental Sustainability and the Equator Principles. Resettlement Action Plans were prepared for areas where physical and economic displacement occurred. The plans were geographically specific and ensured the elements of the Resettlement Policy Framework were implemented. 

In May 2015, an independent third party audit was conducted to assess implementation of the PNG LNG Resettlement Framework. The audit concluded that we had substantially and materially complied with relevant International Finance Corporation Performance Standards. The auditor confirmed that, providing remaining corrective actions were completed and verified by the Lender Group’s Independent Environmental and Social Consultant at their next site visit in October 2015, the land acquisition, resettlement and livelihood. 

Where new work activities require resettlement, new Resettlement Plans are development and implemented in accordance with the Resettlement Policy Framework.  

  1. Kopeanda Landfill Resettlement Action Plan
  2. Hides Quarry 1, 2 and 3 Resettlement Action Plan
  3. Kaiam to Omati (KP 227-292) Communal Resource Plan
  4. Kantobo to Kaiam (KP 153 – 227) Communal Resource Plan
  5. Komo Airstrip Resettlement Action Plan
  6. Tumbi Quarry (QA1) Resettlement Action Plan
  7. HQ1-3 RAP Addendum Number 1: Quarry Road - Well Pad B
  8. Timalia River Borrow Pit Resettlement Action Plan
  9. HQ1-3 RAP Addendum Number 2: Quarry 4 Expansion
  10. Komo Airstrip Access Road Resettlement Action Plan
  11. Hides Vehicle Staging Area Action Plan
  12. Kutubu to Kantobo KP 80-153 Communal Resource Plan
  13. Kutubu to Kantobo (KP 80-153) CRP Addendum 1: KP 97.5 Laydown
  14. Kutubu to Kantobo KP 80-153 CRP Addendum 2: Construction Support Sites
  15. Kutubu to Kantobo KP 80-153 CPR Addendum 3: KP100.9 and KP0.90 Kutubu Spur line Exclusion Zones
  16. Hides Gas Conditioning Plant Resettlement Action Plan
  17. Hides Quarry 1-3 RAP Addendum 3: Spoil Dump 1 and Extensions
  18. Hides Quarry 1-3 RAP Addendum 4: Sidecasting Sites
  19. Hides Quarry 1-3 RAP Addendum No5: Spoil Dump 2 Extension 2
  20. Hides Quarry 1-3 RAP Addendum 6: Hides Spine line Permanent Exclusion Zone – Landslip
  21. Moran to Kutubu (KP 65.5 – 80) Communal Resource Plan
  22. Moran to Kutubu (KP 65.5 – 80) CRP Addendum 1: KP69.7 to KP71.3 Earthquake Associated Landslip
  23. KP 4.5 Campsite Area Communal Resource Plan
  24. Caution Bay Communal Resource Plan
  25. Omati River Right-of-Way Communal Resource Plan
  26. Kutubu to Hides (KP 0-80) Resettlement Action Plan
  27. Kutubu to Hides (KP 0-80) RAP Addendum 1: Updated Resettlement Impacts
  28. Kutubu to Hides (KP 0-80) AP Addendum 2
  29. Kutubu to Hides (KP 0-80) Addendum 4: Earthquake Associated Landslip and Permanent Exclusion Zone – KP63.7 - KP64.8
  30. Angore Well Pads and Access Roads Resettlement Action Plan
  31. Angore Well Pads and Access Roads Resettlement Action Plan: Appendix
  32. Angore Well Pads and Access Roads Resettlement Action Plan: Well Pad C and Associated Areas Appendix 
  33. Attachment to Angore Well Pads and Access Roads Resettlement Action Plan
  34. Attachment to Angore Well Pads and Access Roads Resettlement Action Plan: Tagari Displacement Program
  35. Logistics Road Resettlement Action Plan
  36. Permanent Facility Compound Resettlement Action Plan
  37. Kutubu to Hides (KP0-80) RAP Addendum  No. 3 
  38. Kutubu to Hides RAP Sub-Addendum  No. 3-1