Oripa: Operations Contract Analyst
Oripa, a 28-year-old from Rabaul in East New Britain Province, is paving the way for Papua New Guinean women to pursue opportunities and gain successful careers in the LNG industry.
Oripa began her career in 2010 after she graduated from the University of Papua New Guinea with a Bachelor of Science before she entered the workforce to increase her skills and experience.
In 2010, Oripa saw an advertisement for an Operations and Maintenance traineeship position with ExxonMobil PNG Limited.
It was the hands on experience, a new and exciting career path and the ability to work in a global company that attracted Oripa to the traineeship.
With the encouragement of her mother, she applied for the position and was accepted as part of the program’s first intake of trainees.
Oripa spent the next four years completing the traineeship which included a 12 month assignment in Canada where she undertook additional education and training.
“The traineeship not only taught me about job specific skills but also personal development and individual growth.
“It gave me the opportunity to work with people from other countries and more importantly, as a female, it gave me the opportunity to speak up and speak out,” said Oripa.
Oripa describes working as an Operations Technician at the LNG Plant during its commissioning stage as her fondest memory at ExxonMobil PNG.
“Seeing the LNG Plant come to life and commissioning the different systems to produce the first cargo of LNG is one of many career highlights.
“Another career highlight was in June 2015 when I delivered a speech to the Exxon Mobil Corporation Board of Directors during their visit to the LNG Plant,” said Oripa.
After completing her traineeship Oripa was promoted to Operations Technician Level 1 in 2014 before she pursued her current role as Operations Contract Analyst in April 2016.
She now uses her skills to ensure contractors are compliant with safety, security, health and environmental contractual agreements; and she is able to balance her time between her career and caring for her family.
Oripa’s goal in the LNG industry is to gain skills, knowledge, and experience in different areas of ExxonMobil PNG to impart change and add value to PNG’s LNG industry.
Oripa believes PNG LNG has positively impacted her home town of Port Moresby and the surrounding communities of the Project areas through its consistent focus on safety and community support initiatives.
“I feel blessed to work in the LNG industry and proud that I work for ExxonMobil PNG.
“I enjoy sharing my experiences and advice with other women in hope that it influences them to take opportunities that are given to them, or opportunities that are out there and ready for the taking.
“Papua New Guinean women need to know the resources and the opportunities that are available for them to pursue,” said Oripa.
Oripa hopes to one day hold a leadership position within ExxonMobil PNG and anticipates that her story will inspire other young Papua New Guineans.