ExxonMobil PNG Limited (EMPNG), the operator of the PNG LNG Project, today launched its “Biodiversity Assessment of the PNG LNG Upstream Project Area” study. The book was presented to the Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA) as one of PNG’s only long term high biodiversity data sets for the country.
The book describes the biodiversity in the Hela and Southern Highlands provinces in 2015 as well as the methods used to undertake the biodiversity surveys. It highlights the large number of plants, frogs and mammals species found in two of the major provinces of PNG.
ExxonMobil PNG Executive Director of Production, Dinesh Sivasamboo said despite new species being discovered every year, many of PNG’s diverse flora and fauna remain poorly documented.
Mr Sivasamboo reiterated ExxonMobil PNG’s commitment to operating responsibly, including safeguarding PNG’s unique biodiversity, which have great cultural significance, and sustain the lives of the local communities.
This is achieved through one of many monitoring programs focused on biodiversity surveys.
Mr Sivasamboo acknowledged how the 2015 study helped uncover new plant and animal species not previously identified in the country and helped in capacity building for those involved.
“At least 579 animal and plant species were documented during the surveys. This includes several dozen species that were previously unknown to science”.
Mr Sivasamboo added, ExxonMobil PNG recognises and is grateful to everyone who supported the execution of the survey and the publication of the book.
To ensure that PNGs biodiversity data is accessible to all in PNG and also worldwide, the “Biodiversity Assessment of the PNG LNG Upstream Project Area” is publically available on www.pnglng.com/environment