ExxonMobil PNG Limited, the operator of the PNG LNG Project, has completed the transfer of ownership of the Port Moresby Construction Technical Facility (POMCTF) to the Papua New Guinea Government for continued training and education programs for citizens.
ExxonMobil PNG Limited Managing Director Peter Graham said he was encouraged by the government’s commitment to continue providing training at the facility.
“I am thrilled the government is going to continue to use these facilities for vocational training, as the PNG LNG Project has done over the past four years,” he said.
With an original construction cost of around US$30 million, the facilities include 12 classrooms, two workshops, a fully equipped kitchen and mess hall, four ablution blocks, 69 furnished bedrooms, a recreational room, fuel tank, electrical power facilities and potable water tanks.
The Juni Construction Training Facility and Kobalu camp, similar facilities located in Hela Province, were transferred in June to the Hela Provincial Government.
“Since construction of the PNG LNG Project started, we have focused on developing Papua New Guineans to participate in the Project workforce,” Mr Graham said.
“Much of the training for the project has taken place at the Port Moresby Construction Training Facility, which we established in 2010. Some 3,000 Papua New Guineans graduated from the facility with new skills and capabilities as a result of the training.”
In accepting the facility, Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said the people of Papua New Guinea will benefit from the modern facilities for many years to come.
“Investing in education is a key priority for the government,” he said.
“We will ensure these facilities continue to offer skills training to internationally recognised standards that are relevant to industry needs.”
The PNG LNG Project has invested heavily in the training and development of the local workforce with the delivery of more than 2.17 million training hours through some 13,000 courses.
More than 10,000 Papua New Guineans have been trained across the project, receiving qualifications in construction, transport services, office administration, computer skills, safety and maintenance.