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Media Releases, 10 June 2013

PNG LNG Komo community celebrates as market opens

More than 1, 000 people from the Komo area celebrated the official opening of the new Komo Market and the first Bank of South Pacific (BSP) Komo branch at an event on 9 June after two months of hard work.

Representatives from the PNG LNG Project and BSP were joined by the Deputy Governor for Hela Thomas Potape who officially opened the facilities to a rousing reception.

PNG LNG Project Social Impacts Manager, Sisa Kini, said the need for a new market facility was inspired by the growing interest of the local community members who had completed the PNG LNG Project’s Personal Viability Training and wanted an avenue to generate income.

“The market has been built in partnership with the community and the local government. We expect to develop this partnership by continuing to support such a facility which enhances local economic ventures”, Ms Kini said.

“We would like to congratulate the people who made this project a reality. We are proud to support this market and we look forward to working together with the community,” Ms Kini said.

On a day-to-day basis, the market will be managed by the Komo Market Committee with the support of the Local Level Government.