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Media Releases, 04 August 2016

ExxonMobil PNG bookworms distribute 6000 books to schools

Over 50 ExxonMobil PNG (EMPNG) volunteer bookworms helped to deliver over 6000 books to 25 schools within PNG LNG project areas in Hela, Southern Highlands and Central provinces for National Book Week. 

The books were provided by Buk Bilong Pikinini who appreciated EMPNG’s support to help pack and deliver the books. In Hela province, volunteers distributed and stacked over 600 books from Buk Bilong Pikinini into school libraries at Kindipa and Inu Primary schools at Angore and Moro.  Volunteers also enjoyed spending time with students helping them with their reading lessons.

In partnership with Kutubu Council of Women, around 3600 books, some donated by EMPNG staff from Hides, were delivered to 12 primary schools and the Kutubu Secondary School around the Kutubu area, Southern Highlands. 

In Central Province, over 1500 books were delivered to Porebada, Boera, Papa, Lealea Elementary School and Bogi Literacy Pre-School.

In thanking the volunteers, EMPNG Community Development Support Manager, Sisa Kini, stressed the importance of voluntary initiatives to help encourage and promote literacy.

“Learning how to read opens up the minds of the children. This is more than just donating books. You are contributing to help promote literacy in our project areas,” said Sisa.

She also acknowledged the strong partnership EMPNG enjoys with the BBP and communities in the project areas to make this happen and congratulated the volunteers, Buk Bilong Pikinini and Kutubu Council of Women for their efforts to provide more educational resources for rural communities. 

“Improving access to education and skills training for communities is a key priority for us.  We are pleased to assist to get the books to where they are most needed,” said Sisa.

EMPNG will be partnering with Buk Bilong Pikinini to deliver PNG’s first Dad‘s Book Read Day, during the National Literacy Week, beginning on September 8.