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Media Releases, 08 July 2016

ExxonMobil PNG volunteers lend a helping hand to Buk Bilong Pikinini

ExxonMobil PNG volunteers lend a helping hand to Buk Bilong Pikinini
ExxonMobil PNG Limited volunteers during a book a sorting, labelling, stamping and packing session.

Many hands make light work and with the help of 50 volunteers from ExxonMobil PNG Limited and Mobil Oil New Guinea around 5,000 books have been sorted, labelled, stamped and packed this week for Buk Bilong Pikinini (BBP).

ExxonMobil PNG’s Accounts Payable Analyst, Robyne Joshua, said it is a privilege to lend a helping hand to BBP in its efforts to improve literacy in Papua New Guinea. 

“Buk Bilong Pikinini is doing an amazing job at providing learning opportunities. I am pleased to be given the opportunity to assist this effort in this small way”.

The 5000 books will be donated to schools around Papua New Guinea during the National Book Week in August as part of BBP’s Buk Bilong Komuniti Program.