Students from Juni Primary School in Hela Province and youth from the nearby Hides communities are now able to display their basketball skills and techniques on a newly refurbished basketball court.
Operator of the PNG LNG Project, ExxonMobil PNG Limited, handed over the improved basketball court in February to Juni Primary School.
In partnership with the Basketball Federation of Papua New Guinea (BFPNG), ExxonMobil PNG initiated a youth empowerment program that incorporates both life-skills training and Olympic values awareness, using basketball as the medium.
A coaching clinic was piloted with Juni Primary School in November 2016 which saw sixteen students from grades six to eight, four teachers and sixteen youth participate in the clinic. It included basketball drills, techniques, life skills training and Olympic values education.
It was from this coaching clinic that BFPNG and ExxonMobil PNG identified the need to improve the Juni Primary School basketball court.
ExxonMobil PNG recognises the important role that students and youth play in PNG’s development.
“Sports not only keeps us fit and healthy but teaches us about team work, commitment and dedication to achieve goals,” said ExxonMobil PNG’s Hides Gas Conditioning Plant Field Superintendent Martin Santhanasamy.
“Anyone can become a good player with the proper skills and knowledge of the sport but having the right attitude and discipline is equally important in your development as a sports person and future leaders of PNG,” Martin added.
Head Teacher for Juni Primary School Shelly Kaiabe said they are so happy with the improvements ExxonMobil PNG has made to their basketball court.
“Thank you ExxonMobil PNG for investing in our children’s health and wellbeing. We are all excited and cannot wait to use the basketball court,” said Kaiabe.
ExxonMobil PNG’s support through community-based initiatives strives to help young people in Hides develop important skills they will use throughout their lives to make a positive difference in their communities.